Booking Engine Upselling: Same Day Only Bookings, Flash Deal, and Room Upgrades

Booking Engine Upselling: Same Day Only Bookings, Flash Deal, and Room Upgrades

Increase Website Booking Engine sales with Last Minute Offers by using Vertical Booking's new "Same Day Booking" and "Flash Deals" features.

"Same Day of Booking only": 

Rate plans with this selection allow for bookings to ONLY  be made for/on the day of arrival. For searches in subsequent days, the rate plan will not displayed. 


This option is recommended for those who want to manage active promos ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY on the day of arrival (by creating this rate plan with this flag active).

“Flash Deal”: 

Allows to manage the visibility of the rate plan only in specific time frame


New - Room Upgrade feature allows you to offer a room upgrade for reservations made through the VB Premium Booking Engine.  

This can be setup on various parts of the booking path listed below

Display this option on the...

Booking Summary Page (before confirmation)
Thank You Page (following confirmation)
Booking Confirmation Email
Pre Stay Email
Email for Upselling Feature