Did you know that you can manage Booking.com promotions in your Vertical Booking extranet without logging into the Booking.com extranet?
Vertical Booking can manage the configuration of Booking.com promotions, without any modifications on CRS settings!
What can you do?
You are able to:
Enable/disable a promotion already created on Booking.com
Modify the conditions of a promotion already created on Booking.com
Visualize the statistics of a promotion
Create a new promotion from Vertical Booking extranet
Which promotions can you manage?
Basic Deal
Offer a discount to customers. It's a fast way to decrease rates.
Last Minute
Sell last rooms available.
Keep the booking window below 7 days.
Early Booking
Catch bookings in advance.
Keep the booking window over 30 days.
Offer rates dedicated to business guests.
Where can I manage Booking.com Promotions in VB?
If you have the interface with Booking.com enabled, you can find the section here:
If you need any further information about Booking.com promotions, do not hesitate to contact the support team.