Booking Engine Upselling Tools - Alternative Offers

Booking Engine Upselling Tools - Alternative Offers

Booking Engine Upselling Tools

Alternative Offers

Marketing Tools > BE Upselling Tools > Alternative Offers

First, click

The following screen will return:

Insert the name, and then choose the rate plan to show for the Alternative Offer:

Then choose which days should be returned for the offer:

Choose the Length of Stay that should be offered:

Activate here:

Insert your message to display:

Then, . The screen will refresh, and additional options will appear.

First, choose the booking dates, and click save:

Then, insert the stay dates the offer should be available, and save:

Finally, insert the “Rate/Room/LOS combinations that show the alternative offer” by clicking

This selection will return the following screen:

Insert the rate plan, room type/types, and length of stay requested that should return the Alternative offer, then click Add:

Do this for any combinations that should be offered the alternative stay that has been created:

Then, click

How does this look on a booking engine? Click Here to see!

Please reach out to the support team with any questions.

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