When a hotel first views this screen it may appear like the sample screen below. If this is the case, they should contact the support team for activation of this feature:
The property will then enter the information that should be displayed on the OTA Comparison Tool:
And insert their disparity strategy:
Disparity Management refers to the maximum amount of a discount that should be given in case of disparity with the OTAs.
This means that a discount will only be applied if the OTA has a rate that is lower than the BE and it will never be discounted more than the maximum percentage set. Properties may also set Not applicable (blackout) dates for this discount:
Additional discount compared to OTA allows a property to always discount by the set amount to allow a lower price on the BE than the OTA at all times. A property may also select to ONLY apply the discount in case of disparity by selecting this option.
This discount can be set by dollar (or property default currency) amount or by percentage and can also be applied by day or to the total reservation amount:
Additionally, not applicable (blackout) dates may also be set for this discount:
Following is an example of how this comparison tool appears on the website. It can be displayed as a pop-in window above the Booking form or on the left side:
If you have any questions, please reach out to the support team.