Booking Engine Upselling Tools - Secret Deals

Booking Engine Upselling Tools - Secret Deals

Booking Engine Upselling Tools

Secret Deals/Locked Offers

Marketing Tools > BE Upselling Tools > Secret deals/locked offers

This feature allows you to set-up ‘secret’ products by creating private, group rates that are only available to registered customers. These rates can be displayed in the search results and ‘unlocked’ when the customer enters their name and password.

The following will guide you through the setup process for this feature.

Allow Unlock without credentials – allow the customers to get the deal without sign up required:

A rate is assigned to the deal, and an optional discount can also be applied.

Allow unlock:

If this box is not checked, the customer can only access the offer by clicking the link in the e-mail they were sent when they registered.

If the box is checked, the customer can enter the code provided in their welcome email to unlock the offer on the website booking engine.

Show rate:

Allows the rate to display immediately on the booking engine instead of requiring the unlock to view pricing

Secret deal:

This selection shows the highlighted text below:


Choose which services should be displayed when the secret deal is being booked by selecting the “visible” box

Registered Customer Welcome Text:

Allows you to set up the text you would like to display in the email sent to the member for unlock. (Alternatively, customized HTML emails may also be created and assigned):

Customer Registration Email template:

Allows assignment of a customized email template for the customer registration email. (Alternatively, Registered Customer Welcome text can be used):


Payment and Guarantee Terms

In this section you can apply guarantee and cancellation policies for the Secret Deal:

So, how does it all come together for the customer on your website?

The following will be seen on the booking engine:

When clicking “Unlock” the following screen will appear, and they can enter in their credentials from a previous registration or register as a new customer:

Once the customer has completed the registration, the following popup screen will appear:

An email will be sent to the email address the customer has provided containing the information necessary (code or link) to unlock the page and view the secret price:

Clicking the link will bring them back to the booking page with the deal unlocked:

Finally, it may be nice to create a customized email to apply to reservations made for your Secret Deals. For information on creating customized HTML emails, please reach out to our support team.

Please contact the support team with any questions.

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