Corporate Customers

Corporate Customers

Corporate Customers in Vertical Booking:

Corporate codes can be created to allow a company the ability to book on the Vertical Booking BE or via the Call Center Application by utilizing a Corporate Code to access a private corporate rate.

1.     Create the Rate Type to associate in Avail and Rates > Products/Rates > Products (Rate Types)

a.     Ensure that the rate is set as “Corporate” in the Category:

Next, set up the corporate agreement under Corporate Customers > Edit Corp Customers > Add a new corp customer


The CODE section will be the code used to access the rate on the BE and Call Center Application.

It must be at least 5 characters in length

Then, navigate to Corporate Customers > Edit Corporate Customers > Agreement:

Click New Contract:

Insert the contract dates, click save, and then Back to Group Agreements:

Choose agreement for the contract dates inserted and fill in the applicable information, including rates, services, payment terms, etc. that should be included in this agreement:

The rate will be available when searching on the website utilizing the company code in the code field of the booking engine.

Links can also be created to include the corporate rate directly in the Booking Engine search if desired.

For any questions, please reach out to our customer service team

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