Discount Codes

Discount Codes

Create discounts that allow access by utilizing a special code on the booking engine or in the CRO.

The discount code is created by clicking here:

this screen opens:

Code: An alphanumeric code is inserted to access the discount on the booking page (avoid entering special characters and/or spaces).

Name: The name of the discount that is displayed on the booking page to the customer

Discount: made up of two parts:
  • A Box: Numerical value is set for the discount 
  • A drop-down menu: Choose between percentage or set currency options

Active: Yes/No drop-down. The discount must be set as Active=YES to be available for booking.

Min. Length Of Stay: Set a minimum number of days of stay in order for the discount to be visible.

Show explanation in the reservation page: Yes/No drop-down. Yes allows a small caption with the name of the discount and the periods of validity during the booking process.

For reservations made: Define the booking window or which the discount is valid

For stays between: Define the period of stay period for which the discount is valid

Once all the fields here have been completed, click Save

The system will insert additional sections to be completed after Save is selected:

Products: Select rate types by clicking a checkbox to apply the discount and click Save.

Rooms: Select the rooms to link to the discount and click Save.

Attention! If the discount is to be associated with all products and/or all rooms, choose the “select all” checkbox in each section, otherwise, the discount won’t work.

Corporate customer: Linking one or more corporate customers to the discount will make it inaccessible to regular private customers. To apply the same discount to both regular private customers and corporate customers, it is necessary to create two separate codes: one for regular private customers and one for corporate customers

Corporate customers linked to a discount code will receive the discount using their corporate code instead of the discount code

Once the form has been completed, click on Save.

Once saved, the discount appears as follows:

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