Loading Room Images in Vertical Booking

Loading Room Images in Vertical Booking




View the single image loaded for the room by selecting  

Load a single thumbnail image by selecting  

Attention! This image must be exactly 240 x 150, and jpeg is the only accepted format.  


Create a new directory, or assign/modify images in a directory by selecting 


To Create a new directory, or assign a new image to an existing directory, select  


This page will return: 



Name: The name of the photo, should be loaded for use in ordering and assigning to galleries 

Category: An option to select existing categories from a drop down will appear after the first category has been created. Alternatively, a new category can be created by inserting a new category name in the space below “or new” 

Load images: Accepted file types are jpeg and png files, it is not necessary to resize photos to load them into this section. 

Slider tool: Adjust the zoom on the image once loaded. 

The page will refresh once a new image has been loaded displaying all existing directories: 


Select any folder to expand and view loaded images (by name) 

Choose to associate to the room type (the room chosen to enter the image loading process) 

To view/modify existing images linked to the room gallery select  

The system will allow a new image to be loaded to replace the one selected, or the image currently loaded can be viewed by selecting: