Property data

Property data

Property data  

(Setup > Property > Property Data) 

General Data 

Start by selecting to insert the property’s details: 


Edit property data 





Code: Internal property code 

Property Category: Choose type from the drop-down menu 

Name: Insert the name of the property 

Stars: Can insert stars (to be shown in the booking process) or leave as N.A. 

Number of rooms: Insert the total number of guest rooms at the property 

Main segment: Choose from the drop-down menu, not required


Seasonality: Choose from the drop-down menu, not required 

Check In: Select the beginning of the check-in period of the hotel and the latest time a guest could check-in 

Check-out: Select the earliest a guest could check out until the time that they are required to check out 

Address: Insert property street address


Location: Insert property city


Area: Insert area, not required 

Post/zip code: Insert postal/zip code


Region/State: Insert Region, not required 

County/State: Insert State 

Type of location: Choose from the drop-down menu, not required 

Newsletter language: Select the language that you prefer to receive our newsletter in (insert email address below) 

Website: Insert property website 

Telephone Number: Insert property country and area codes and phone number


Fax: Insert property country and area codes and fax number, not required 

Mobile phone: Insert property country and area codes and mobile number, not required 

Email: Insert primary email address for the property. All emails generated by Vertical Booking will be sent to and from this email address. 

Email 2: Insert an additional email address to receive notifications from Vertical Booking, separated with a comma for multiple email addresses 

Newsletter – E-mail: Email address (or addresses) to be used to receive the newsletter  

Advanced notification options 

Email 3: Insert an email address and select days/times for notification, with an “otherwise” email for any scenarios outside of those selected in this area 

Pre stay: Enable pre-stay emails. Define the timing for when the email is sent (“x” days before arrival or “x” days after the booking 

Post stay: Define the timing for when the email is sent (“x” days after departure). An option to only send the post-stay email to customers that agree to receive the newsletter is also available. 

Quotation email: Insert email address at which to receive quotation requests 

Email availability alert: When a few rooms remain, the system will notify the email address set in this section. This alert is also sent to email 1. To turn off notifications, set a fake email address in this section and select yes in the “only send avail alert to this email” section 

Changes are applied by selecting “Save”  

Reference persons  


Insert the property contacts (for Vertical Booking) into this section (not required) 



Company data 

Insert company data into this section (not required) 

General Data 


Reference persons 

Insert company reference person into this section (not required) 


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