Rates (by grid)

Rates (by grid)

This second option that is available for entering rates utilizing a grid-based method.

Product: Choose which rate to modify from the drop-down menu

  • Standard max 1 Year) - change/view rate grids for 12 months
  • Showing events, rates, and booking rules (max 6 months) - change/view rate grids and view events and booking rules for a maximum period of 6 months. 

Period: Set the period of time to view from the drop-down menu “from, to “ by selecting the month and year to view

After selecting display options and clicking “Show” a screen returns displaying a calendar for the “standard” option :

Or a table for the “showing events…” selection:

To create a new grid, click

This page returns:

Name: Only for internal use, this is the name of the pricing grid 
Color: Select opens a small pop-up containing a color selector allowing the choice of color to be assigned to the grid
Level 1 - Canc.policy: Choose a cancellation policy from the drop-down menu to apply to the pricing grid; if no cancellation policy is selected here, the system applies the default cancellation policy (in the product configuration).
Level 2 - Payment: Choose a payment policy from the drop-down menu to apply to the pricing grid; if no payment policy is selected here, the system applies the default payment policy (in the product configuration).
Edit family discount policy: Choose the family discount policy from the drop-down menu to apply to the pricing grid; if no family discount policy is selected, the system applies the default family discount policy (in the product configuration).

The above note in green advises how to charge prices according to the multiple LOS setting defined in the product configuration.

The system populates the list of rooms and pricing fields. The example below shows a product loaded with per-person prices. All occupancy fields should be completed when creating a new rate grid. For the minimum price field, we recommend loading the price entered for the 1 adult occupancy.

Attention! The prices entered in the various occupancy fields (with the exception of extra beds and children) cannot be lower than the price set as the minimum rate in the room setup.

If the prices are charged per room, the hotel will be required to enter a single price (as shown in the instructions for Rates by period/day)

After the pricing has been entered and saved, the “rate verification” option can be used

After a pricing grid has been saved, the system adds this field to the selection:
The option returns this screen:

This function can be used to recalculate prices that are already entered.

Click on Calculate to allow the system to recount the prices and a warning message will appear.
Click OK, and then click “Save” to apply the change to the pricing.
After a pricing grid has been saved, it appears in the list of grids available to select and apply to the calendar:

Select by clicking on the radio button next to each price grid, and then apply to the calendar by a day or by a  period of time

By day: (System default)apply the rate grid by clicking day by day on the calendar
By period: if the rate grid is being set for several days or months utilize this option and select the first and last day of the period to encompass the price change.
Insert a new grid: (System default) Use to apply the rate grids to the calendar.
Reset: If selected prior to saving changes, this option can be used to remove the entries on days that have been changed but should instead keep the previously loaded prices.
Unset grid: Disassociate the previously applied grid. 
Once the rate grid has been applied to the calendar, click on to apply the changes.
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